Masih adakah diantara anda yang meragukan Michael Jackson sebagai ikon musik pop dunia? Kurang lebih sama seperti Elvis Presley dan Bob Marley, kini MJ adalah legenda. Peninggalannya masih tetap dinikmati sampai sekarang, bahkan tidak sedikit yang terobsesi menjadi sepertinya.
Tujuh musisi dalam artikel kali ini adalah mereka yang tidak malu mengakui terinspirasi oleh Michael Jackson. Beberapa mungkin di luar dugaanmu. Sudah siap? Yuk disimak!
1. M.I.A
"Michael Jackson the first two english words I eva spoke," - M.I.A
"Michael Jackson adalah dua patah kata dalam bahasa Inggris pertama yang bisa kuucapkan," - M.I.A
2. Calvin Harris
"Prince and Michael where I come from was our Elvis and Beatles," - Calvin Harris.
"Di tempat asalku, Prince dan Michael Jackson itu seperti Elvis Presley dan The Beatles," - Calvin Harris.
3. Alex Kapranos (Franz Ferdinand)
"Billie Jean is the best bass line ever written," - Alex Kapranos.
"Billie Jean punya line bas terbaik di dunia," - Alex Kapranos.
4. Lady Gaga
"I have his sweaters that I put on. I wear them when we're mixing and finish up the record. I feel something from the clothing," - Lady Gaga.
"Aku punya baju hangat Michael Jackson, yang terus-menerus kukenakan saat mixing album. Ada sesuatu dari baju itu, aku merasakannya," - Lady Gaga.
5. Pete Wentz (Fall Out Boy)
"I could measure my childhood to now on an MJ growth chart," - Pete Wentz.
"Aku bisa mengukur jarak masa kecilku sampai sekarang berdasarkan chart Michael Jackson," - Pete Wentz.
6. Muse
"We wanted to go to something more funky, something that made you want to click your fingers. Something that was more influenced by someone like Michael Jackson. We wanted something that sounded like Billie Jean," - Muse.
"Kami ingin bikin lagu yang lebih funky, yang bisa bikin kamu bergoyang. Sesuatu dengan lebih banyak pengaruh Michael Jackson, yang terdengar seperti Billie Jean," - Muse.
7. Beyonce Knowles
"When I was just starting out, my first producer used to make me listen to Michael Jackson's live performance of Who's Loving You. He would have me watch that for hours back to back to back. What he wanted me to learn was his soul," - Beyonce Knowles.
"Di album pertama, produserku menyuruhku mendengarkan rekaman live Who's Loving You-nya Michael Jackson. Dia membuatku menontonnya berjam-jam, terus-menerus diputar ulang. Dia ingin aku mempelajari soul nyanyi Michael Jackson," - Beyonce Knowles.
Tujuh musisi dalam artikel kali ini adalah mereka yang tidak malu mengakui terinspirasi oleh Michael Jackson. Beberapa mungkin di luar dugaanmu. Sudah siap? Yuk disimak!
1. M.I.A
"Michael Jackson the first two english words I eva spoke," - M.I.A
"Michael Jackson adalah dua patah kata dalam bahasa Inggris pertama yang bisa kuucapkan," - M.I.A
2. Calvin Harris
"Prince and Michael where I come from was our Elvis and Beatles," - Calvin Harris.
"Di tempat asalku, Prince dan Michael Jackson itu seperti Elvis Presley dan The Beatles," - Calvin Harris.
3. Alex Kapranos (Franz Ferdinand)
"Billie Jean is the best bass line ever written," - Alex Kapranos.
"Billie Jean punya line bas terbaik di dunia," - Alex Kapranos.
4. Lady Gaga
"I have his sweaters that I put on. I wear them when we're mixing and finish up the record. I feel something from the clothing," - Lady Gaga.
"Aku punya baju hangat Michael Jackson, yang terus-menerus kukenakan saat mixing album. Ada sesuatu dari baju itu, aku merasakannya," - Lady Gaga.
5. Pete Wentz (Fall Out Boy)
"I could measure my childhood to now on an MJ growth chart," - Pete Wentz.
"Aku bisa mengukur jarak masa kecilku sampai sekarang berdasarkan chart Michael Jackson," - Pete Wentz.
6. Muse
"We wanted to go to something more funky, something that made you want to click your fingers. Something that was more influenced by someone like Michael Jackson. We wanted something that sounded like Billie Jean," - Muse.
"Kami ingin bikin lagu yang lebih funky, yang bisa bikin kamu bergoyang. Sesuatu dengan lebih banyak pengaruh Michael Jackson, yang terdengar seperti Billie Jean," - Muse.
7. Beyonce Knowles
"When I was just starting out, my first producer used to make me listen to Michael Jackson's live performance of Who's Loving You. He would have me watch that for hours back to back to back. What he wanted me to learn was his soul," - Beyonce Knowles.
"Di album pertama, produserku menyuruhku mendengarkan rekaman live Who's Loving You-nya Michael Jackson. Dia membuatku menontonnya berjam-jam, terus-menerus diputar ulang. Dia ingin aku mempelajari soul nyanyi Michael Jackson," - Beyonce Knowles.
Demikian artikel tentang 7 Musisi Dunia Yang Terinspirasi Oleh Sosok Michael Jackson Rating: 5 Reviewer: Ayue! - ItemReviewed: 7 Musisi Dunia Yang Terinspirasi Oleh Sosok Michael Jackson. Jangan lupa untuk berkunjung kembali.
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